
嘉莉查理 appointed new associate vice president for Campus Services

嘉莉查理 appointed new associate vice president for Campus Services

2024年4月16日 嘉莉查理 recently joined 世界杯官方app Business Affairs as the new associate vice president for Campus Services. 查理 brings over 20 years of higher education leadership experience to 世界杯官方app, including extensive experience managing campus auxiliary services.

在她的角色中, 查理 oversees operations for all areas of 世界杯官方app Campus Services, which comprises key university resources 和 auxiliary services including parking, 运输, 世界杯官方appCard管理, 膳食计划和住房设施, 还有承包的餐饮服务, 自动售货机和Rowdy校园商店.

“Carrie is a great addition to the Administration 和 Operations team 和 we are so excited for her to lead Campus Services,” 玛丽埃尔南德斯, senior associate vice president for Administration 和 Operations. “Her professional background 和 extensive knowledge base of campus services operations makes her perfect for this role, 还有她的能量, creativity 和 history as an innovator makes her perfect for 世界杯官方app.”

在进入大学之前, 查理 served as the interim vice president of Student Affairs 和 assistant vice president of Campus Living, Stephen F .的餐饮及辅助服务. 奥斯汀州立大学. 在她的职业生涯中, she has also served in leadership roles for auxiliary services at Boston University 和 Northeastern University in Boston, 麻萨诸塞州, as well as at The University of Texas at Dallas.

查理 has a consistent record of providing strong leadership that supports institutional growth, milestone achievement 和 change management, 和 has herself received accolades including Food Management Magazine’s 2016 College 和 University Innovator of the Year.

多年来, 查理还担任过指导员, advisor 和 advocate for students in her roles creating 和 facilitating programming that provides student support related to an array of topics critical for a safe 和 successful campus experience.

“With student success being one of our top priorities, I knew that 世界杯官方app was the ideal place for me to contribute my knowledge 和 experience in the delivery of campus services,” 查理. “Together with our talented Campus Services team, I hope to implement bold ideas 和 initiatives aimed to elevate the campus experience for all Roadrunners.”

查理 holds a Master of Education from Ohio University 和 a Certified Auxiliary Services Professional Certification (CASP) from the National Association of College Auxiliary Services (NACAS).

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